Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Senior Session

I had a wonderful senior portrait session with Katie recently. We broke the sessions up in order to give a variety to her portraits. I will be finishing up with her traditional poses this coming week!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Style

I will photograph anything. It doesn't matter to me what it is. I try to find the beauty in everything, whether it is my daughter's Chuck Taylors or an empty flowerpot. Sometimes I get strange glances from my family when I drag my lights into the living room to shoot a mini-session with my daughter's shoes and especially when I photograph the dust on my fireplace or the crevaces of my cinderblock basement to use for textures in portraits. I don't consider myself artistic per se, I think that I am just intrigued with the possibilities there are when you envision something and manipulate it digitally.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I remember when I was 8 years old my father gave me my very 1st camera. It was a 35mm no name manual camera. I cherished that camera. I remember shooting rolls and rolls of film. I truly had no concept of how great a gift he had given me...I photographed everything that I seen I had to have shot a bizzillion rolls (at least when I was 8 it felt like a bizzillion) I carefully put that camera away on the top shelf in my closet careful to make sure that no one would harm it up there. Several months later my mother decided to move. I had been sure that I had not packed the camera away. I didn't want it to get lost in all of our moving clutter. It would be the last thing that I grabbed when I went to say my final goodbye to my old room. I knew I would grab it then. I went up to my room and peered out my window which overlooked our clubhouse. I sure did love that house, it had always reminded me of a castle and I guess I thought I was the princess. My mother and granny called up to me, "Hurry up, it's time to leave" How is it I could have run out and left my precious camera in that closet never to see it again....and as for those bizzillion rolls of film I never did develop them, I had no idea that was what you were supposed to do with it.